Most of you know that I am working through a course in naturopathy. My latest course is a doozy with a book titled Biologic Ionization. Doesn't that sound fun! It was actually a little more than I bargained for at first, but now that I am almost done it really has been enlightening.
The book describes Reams testing which is all about interpreting your saliva and urine pH to tell where on the acid/alkaline spectrum your body resides. (I'm totally simplifying this.) In a Ream's test which is based on the saliva and urine, the pH should be about 6.4. Why is this important? PH is a measure of resistance. In other words, the pH number tells us how fast or slow energy is moving in the body. Anything above 6.4 means the resistance is too high and energy is moving too slow; anything below 6.4 means that resistance is too low and the energy is moving too fast. When energy is moving too fast or too slow, chronic disease and degeneration of the body begins.
There is a lot of talk about alkalizing your body today. There are even alkaline waters available at most health food stores. This may seem confusing when you note that I said above that the optimal body pH in a Ream's test is 6.4. Again note that this is the pH of the urine and saliva. Blood's pH average is 7.4 which is alkalinic. (The pH scale is from 1 to 14. 7 is neutral. Anything below 7 is considered acidic and anything above is alkalinic.)
Why do we just assume that we need to alkalize more and not try to acidify our bodies? We probably shouldn't just assume, we probably should have some simple tests done, but most assume this because of the Standard American Diet. A large part of what our population eats is processed food, meat, dairy, and fast food. All of these foods are highly acidic. Therefore if you eat a large portion of these types of foods throughout the day, you can assume your pH is probably too acidic. Fruits, vegetables, and some grains move your pH in the alkalinic range and we should be concentrating on eating a large portion of these types of foods.
What are some other ways to shift our pH in the more alkalinic range?
- Drinking lemon water. Add about 1/2 to 1 ounce of fresh lemon juice to every 10 ounces of water and drink throughout the day.
- Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.
- Green Drinks such as freshly juiced lettuces or powders such as barley green, spirulina, greenzone, or manna.
- Fresh watermelon or even freshly juiced watermelon. Yum!
A Ream's test tells so much more than just the pH. It really gets to the bottom of your body chemistry by providing information on total carbohydrate, pH, conductivity, cell debris, nitrate nitrogen & ammonia nitrogen. From this information a very detailed nutritional healing program can be developed just for you. I would highly recommend having this test done and I look forward to finding someone to perform this test on me soon. I would also like to find a weekend soon where I can take the seminar that provides the training and certification to perform this testing myself.
There is so much great information and natural healing out there. When I read a book like Biological Ionization by Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe, I realize that I've barely scratched the surface in my journey to understanding health and wellness.
How interesting. I've read a lot about the subject, but a lot of what you've written here is new to me. Thanks for sharing!
Now I wonder where I can get a Reams test...
This test takes a lot of time and
is quite in depth. There is an easy
convenient way we found at
www.PHOTXIKATOR.COM if you just
want a quick test on your skin. This
test was divised in Germany.
Sorry I got the wrong address
for the test:
It's www.PHTOXIKATOR.com
Hi Hanlie! Not sure how to go about finding someone who does Reams testing - probably by polling some of your local natural health practitioners.
Great info Chrystyanna - I hadn't heard of the phtoxikator test, but it looks interesting and for quick home self-testing to see how you are doing it seems like a fantastic idea.
What I like about a Reams test from time to time though is it will tell you so much more than pH, including total carbohydrate, conductivity, cell debris, nitrate nitrogen & ammonia nitrogen. This allows one to really fix a body chemistry problem at the cellular level by adding or subtracting certain foods and supplements that will target the problem.
Thanks for all the great feedback!
Hey! Where are you taking naturopathy classes? Great informative posts. I've been looking into acid/alkaline alot lately.
Hello Daily Dose!
I'm doing a course through Trinity College of Natural Health. They are located in Warsaw, Indiana.
Supreme Peace,
I would like to know if you two completed the course or are still pursuing the degree. And if so, are you using the Ream's Theory?
Hi Keith! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I did finish the Reams book course, but wouldn't feel comfortable practicing it until I could take a clinical course which I haven't had time yet to pursue. One of these days...!
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