Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Aluminum Cookware

About half of all cookware marketed today is made of aluminum or a teflon coated aluminum. It's twice as hard as stainless steel, it conducts heat 28 times faster than glass, and it's nonstick for life. It has seemingly revolutionized the way we cook, but there are some serious questions being raised about the safety of this metal. Aluminum is a toxic metal and not one that the body needs.

What happens to food when it is cooked in Aluminum?

When food is cooked in an aluminum pot a reaction occurs between the pot and the food, causing the aluminum to displace many of the other metal minerals the food may contain, such as, iron, zinc, manganese, chrome, magnesium and copper. Your body doesn't receive the beneficial metals (minerals) that it needs and instead receives the toxic aluminum which accumulates in the brain and nervous system tissues. In addition foods cooked in aluminum produce a substance that neutralizes the digestive juices, leading to acidoses and ulcers.

Highly Acidic Foods will also cause the same reaction...

It isn't just cooking in aluminum that causes this to happen though. Aluminum storage containers, utensils, serveware, and drinkware will all react in the same way when they come into contact with a highly acidic food. Examples of highly acidic foods are coffee, cheese, meats, black and green tea, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, spinach and radishes.

Aluminum Toxicity has been linked to several conditions...

  • Research has linked Aluminum toxicity to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Downs, and Epilepsy due to it's accumulation in brain and nervous system tissues.

  • The presence of aluminum especially in the brain, blocks the normal reactions that involve the mineral zinc and can manifest as a zinc deficiency.

  • Aluminum is excreted through the kidneys so toxic amounts of aluminum may impair kidney function.

  • Other possible problems include colic, gastrointestinal disturbances, poor calcium metabolism, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver function, forgetfulness, speech distrubances,memory loss, softening of the bones and weak aching muscles.

Other cookware to avoid:

  • Avoid the use of Teflon as it's a toxic chemical coating. The pan that the Teflon coats is usually aluminum and if you've ever owned anything Teflon it isn't long before the Teflon is flaking off into your food (bad) and exposing the aluminum below (even worse).

  • Avoid enamel pots as these usually contain cadmium which is also a toxic metal.

  • Plastics are also suspect for cooking and especially microwaving. When heated the plastic will leech several things not the least of which is the BPH which has been linked to infertility and several other problems.

The best materials to use for cooking and storage

So what should you use for cooking and storage. Stainless steel is always a good choice. Stainless steel is a combination of iron and chrome. Both of these minerals are essential minerals to the body. Glass or Corning Ware are also good choices.

What can you do to rid your body of aluminum

One big thing you can do to get rid of aluminum in the digestive tract is to eat apples. The pectin in the apples actually binds with metals in the colon and excretes them from the body. The herbs burdock root echinacea, ginsent, gingko biloba and fiber when taken regulary are good for blocking damage to the body by toxic heavy metals and radiation.

So you probably don't need to run out and buy all new cookware (although Christmas is coming...), but as you replace things in your kitchen try to replace with metals or glass that is kinder to your body!


Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription For Nutritional Healing. New York, NY: Penguin Books Ltd., 2006. ISBN 1-58333-236-7.

Lepore, Donald. The Ultimate Healing System. Orem, UT: Woodland Publishing Inc., 1985. ISBN 1-885670-08-7

1 comment:

Kristen's Raw said...

Scary for sure! Although not something I worry too much with my lifestyle (little to no cooking - yay). For those few times that I pull out the pots - glad mine are stainless steel.

Happy Holidays,

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